potus (1)


Oligarch vs Drain The Swamp. Who Wins:

1291368?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024So the year begins and with it a new presidency. Everyone has ideas how best to invest your money. Simple indexing is the least expensive way to manage capital; no, smart beta is superior; this year we are told (once again) will be when active stock-picking makes its triumphant return.

Regardless of how you choose to allocate your assets, there is another way; a much better way; a method that cannot fail in its brilliance and simplicity. Go with the POTUS indexes.

Direct your attention to the relentless tweeting of the man who soon will be president. There is valuable information in those 140 characters that can move markets and alter perceptions of corporate fundamentals. This has real alpha-generating possibilities. Whoever is managing your favorite 401(k), hedge fund or trading account should take note.

To help you make sense of this, we have created two indexes based on Donald Trump's tweet and other pre-presidential utterances.

Before we get to the specific stocks, I want to o

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