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Daily Reads

  • Life intervenes today so I'm limited on my reading time but will add a few as I can
  • The bearish $2 BILLION dollar bet that spooked the market.
  • Work vs. Welfare.  In some states, you're better off being on Welfare, which is tax free by the way, than working.  While to many, this is an argument to lower Welfare benefits, to me it screams that the minimum wage should be raised and tied to the cost of living.  Welfare wasn't designed to be a "living wage" but Corporations like MCD and WEN take advantage of the system; thus boosting their bottom line (yes, which we love) BUT it costs the taxpayer unnecessary millions each year.  Something has to give.
  • Glenn Beck is out with a new pos video, touting that we are approaching the brink of World War III (it couldn't be more fear mongering to boost his ratings, could it?  After all, he doesn't have to be accurate to ruffle feathers.  For example he says that Russia and China are NOW trading in the Yuan in a dastardly plot (yes it's new!  No, it'

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